Archive | March, 2014

Despre blabagii

20 Mar

Strigatele  : “La lupta ptonti, marinari, antonesci, udrei, blegi, nemtoi, ungureni, tariceni, almanahi sau varanii mei  !“sunt din ce in ce mai dese in pregatirea razboiului electoral al blabagiilor.

Urmarea apelului : pozitionari strategice  si  rapide in patru labe sau pe burta, gata de a musca curul sau talpile oponentilor si de  a linge in acelasi timp si la fel de entuziast aceleasi parti ale liderilor ajutaci daca sunt prin preajma. Ajutacii sunt sefii care pot ferici blabagiii cu pozitii caldute la Brussels, in consilii de administratie, in ministere, in ambasade ,in parlament sau senat,  care pot da o mana calda de ajutor  la o coruptie mica, un nepotism inocent dar sigur, o curvasareala intelectuala sau “naturala” etc.

Sefii ajutaci s-au “ajuns” urmarind aceeasi strategie muscat-lins si sunt santajabili. Ptontul este probabil cel mai bun exemplu.

Mediul societatii civile si al afacerilor private sunt si ele dominate de sefi ajutaci inconjurati de cohorte de blabagii.

Pe langa riscul de orbire blabagii se expun si riscului unor malformatii rapide datorita statului indelungat in patru labe sau pe burta, lucru  care forteaza orizontalizarea sau totala disparitie a coloanei vertebrale .

Disparitia coloanei vertebrale, in Romania, duce la o crestere dramatica a sanselor de a “te ajunge”. Antena 3 promoveaza clinici specializate unde extractia coloanei poate fi facuta rapid si eficient de experti – angajati de vaza ai postului de televiziune. Pentru un mic “extra” puteti sa aveti expertul operand in pozitie de spagat.

Elitele partidelor romanesti se compun din ajutaci , nevestele sau rudele lor ( in general promovate departe,ca sa nu bata la ochi, in structurile banoase europene), prietenii acestora , tampiti, corupti, smenari, amante , ticalosi si doi – trei oameni ca lumea care risca sa devina si ei niste blabagii patetici.

Ei ,putinii oameni buni si inteligenti, ratacitii elitelor politice sunt actori in cel mai chinuitor spectacol al societatii romanesti. Isi contorsioneaza gretos rationamentul -o metoda de a justifica marlaniile si compromisurile proprii – pentru a fi in pozitia de a fi recompensati de sefii lor ajutaci.

Monica Macovei, Cristian Preda si Renate Webber ,oameni pe care ii admir pentru ceea ce au facut in Parlamentul European, sunt actorii principali in acest moment.

Am sperat pentru o perioada scurta ca Fundatia Miscarea Populara (FMP)  o sa poata schimba ceva. Pana acum nu a facut mare lucru, in afara de a ingrosa numarul blabagiilor care se legitimeaza pe spinarea catorva oameni decenti.

FMP-ul sta in patru labe sau pe burta in cazurile de nepotism, coruptie, cretinism si traseism din sanul partidului pe care l-a creat. Atacurile la Ponta, Antonescu si Blaga nu au legitimitate atata timp cat Elena Udrea este sefa si fetei sefului i se pregateste, in cazul in care vrea, un loc doi pe listele europarlamentare.

Fundatii in care oameni respectati si neimplicati politic sa functioneze ca un control moral si ideologic pentru partidele mari in Romania ar putea sa fie o solutie la catastrofa noastra politica.

Ideea FMP-ului este una buna. Desi FMP-ul are ca membri fondatori cativa oameni exceptionali, implementarea ideilor FMP-ului in practica este din pacate, pana acum ,o blabageala.

Am scris cele de mai sus si cu speranta ca in acest fel ma oblig sa imi controlez tenditele de blabagiu.

Avoiding failing again -The EU Roma Summit – problems and solutions

17 Mar

The biggest problems in the Roma Social Inclusion process are related to the inability, incompetence and lack of political will at the level of the national governments. There are ways to address these problems but due to strong anti-Gypsyism and corruption addressing these problems is a much more complicated process than solving the existing problems within the European Commission (EC).  The EC  needs to pressure states into reform but has no legitimacy to do so if it doesn’t first change itself .

Main Problem : The nexus of all problems related to the European Commission and Roma social inclusion is  the fact that there is no oversight over the activity of the European Commission in regard to Roma social inclusion. The existing management of Roma issues within the Commission is laughable as neither Commissioner Reding or the Head of the Roma Unit can prove any academic or  hands on practical experience on Roma. Reding cabinet was/is completely void of any Roma expertise.

Solution : Finance a strong civil society watch dog  organization able to make the European Commission responsible. Instead of wasting huge amounts of money on often poor if not idiotic ideas, donors should ensure the existence of such an organisation. The ERRC for instance should have done this for years.

Example : An organization such as the ERRC should use its lawyers, resources and legislation available to force the European Commission to unveil among other things the following issues  :

  1. What were the conditions needed that lead to the employment of people in charge of Roma social inclusion within the European Commission.  Who were the people in the panels recruiting these people and what were their credentials related to the social inclusion of Roma. Make public their CVs.
  2. What was the activity, the costs and results of Commissioner Reding related to Roma issues.
  3. What are the total costs of the Roma Unit per year. How much money were spent by the European Commission on Roma related events. What were the concrete results.
  4. What are the evaluation criteria for people working on Roma within the European Commission.
  5. Ask the commission to reveal the total amount of grants targeting Roma and the evaluations of these grants.

Problem : the EU funding when it comes to Roma is a catastrophic failure – an immense waste of public money. Yes there were some successes but even most of those are accidents or exceptions. The overall result at the grassroots in Roma communities, the overall increase of anti-Gypsyism in Europe and the very poor absorptions of EU funds that could be used for Roma social inclusion  are all clear proofs of failure. Member states continue to show little if any responsibility towards their Roma citizens. Active citizenship including assuming responsibilities for the social inclusion among Roma communities is abysmally low.

Solution:  Establish an EU Roma financial mechanism focused on promoting work at the grassroots in the communities.  Such a mechanisms needs to employ some of the existing dedicated professionals from the Commission and some of the experts with real hands on expertise in Roma communities. Member states that have a significant Roma population should give a percentage of their contributions towards the EU budget  to this financial mechanism. The money should be used to finance the Roma strategies. Member States that complain about the need for more work on Roma issues should also contribute. There are a number of precedents.

Problem: There is a major discrepancy between the bombastic and often deluded speeches of officials in Brussels and the realities on the ground. This discrepancy is also reflected in the strident gap between the targets of the projects financed by EU funds their results and the needs of the communities.

Example: The estimate of an expert from the Romanian National Agency for Roma of the number of undetermined working contracts ( normal long term contract in Romania) for Roma as a result of training paid through EU money is less than 300.  The number of people trained –  over 50.000. That represents a staggering 0.6 % success rate or 99.4% failure rate.

Solution – Employ within the EC Representations and Delegations in the countries that have significant Roma populations local experts (on temporary contracts) able to represents properly the European Commission at the discussions with the member states. Asses their employment based on the improvements in the effects of EU money within the communities.

Another significant problem stays with the intellectual horizontal spine syndrome (IHSS) affecting most of the EC paid civil society. EC bureaucrats that are focused on their careers and nothing else and some of the independent Roma experts that are paid by the EC or dream to be paid by the EC are also at high risk.

This syndrome forces people to spend most of their professional lives on all fours or crawling. A strict observance of the common intergovernmental institutions Directive LSD/2000 – better known as the Lip Service Directive corroborated with an uncanny ability to rationalize as pearls of wisdom whatever ineptitude that comes up from a donor, superior or celebrity are the main ways to identify this syndrome.

Forced transplant of common sense or vertical spines is simply not enough to treat the syndrome. A strong and courageous watch dog organization might do it. At the end of the day that is the definition of a normal civil society organization. Spineless or badly affected by  IHSS lap dogs  are not. Unfortunately these last organisations are very successful in getting EU funds.

PS The European Commission refused to accept my presence at the EU Roma Summit due to my flagrant and repeated violations of the Lip-Service Directive.It happens that I am the only Roma expert that received an official accreditation from the Commission for my expertise in 8 fields related to social inclusion. I am also a regional director of the largest organization that works at the grassroots in the region.


The amazing and “extensive work” on Roma of the European Commission

10 Mar

The following quotes are real. The author is the middle manager in charge of the Roma Unit of the European Commission. The Unit is part of the Directorate General (DG) Justice.

“The aim of this event [3rd -Roma Summit] is not to consult civil society but rather to provide the opportunity to renew the political commitments and ensure that the implementation of the EU Framework is moving forward where it makes a difference, at local level.”

Price tag for these colossally important renewals, moving forward, making differences, ensuring committed opportunities: a meager 500 000 to 1 000 000 EUR of public money.

The joy and happiness in the hearts of the millions of Roma who will be “moved forward” at the “local level”: priceless.

Hail to the Commission for making it crystal clear that the Summit has one concrete objective:  NOT to consult civil society. If past experience gives us any indication, the Commission has a very good chance to succeed in meeting this objective.

“Very high-level decision makers have been invited to participate in this event; in addition, as cooperation from all stakeholders is key to build a common understanding on the best way forward to promote Roma integration in Europe, we are inviting representatives from the EU institutions, the national governments, a number of Mayors and local actors and a range of international organisations and civil society representatives.”

Praise the mighty Lords of the European Commission for employing people capable for the eloquence and refinement expressed in the perfectly crafted Eurotalk sentence above. Orwell would be very proud.

But back to the essence of this magnificent event.

It is a known truth often repeated in the offices and halls of DG Justice that the overwhelming majority (well over 99.9999%) of real experts on the Roma social inclusion are those within the DG Justice and its approved political and bureaucratic elites in capital cities and international institutions. So it’s just natural that they will be the main participants at this event.

These people (presidents, ministers, secretaries of state, mayors, senior and middle level bureaucrats in international organisations) are well known for their passion for Roma as well as for their invaluable expertise. All have spent hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of seconds talking about the necessity of serious work in the worst Roma communities.

Some of those high-level invited people are also well known for their courage and the risks they have exposed themselves to by publicly affirming their deep love of Roma. The Romanian and French presidents, of course, are the best known examples. Naturally, mayors will also be well represented at the Summit – are they not especially well-known in Eastern Europe (where most Roma live) for their strong belief in helping minorities and the poor, as well as for their appropriate spending of public money ?

Only the representatives from civil society organisations and networks with whom we have worked extensively in the past few years have been invited by the Commission to this event.”

Another example of linguistic skill, this expresses the way the Roma Unit thinks in just one sentence. For those of you unable to read Eurotalk, the translation into vulgar English is: “We will not be consulting with anyone who does not already agree with us.”

This approach is reflected in the brilliant strategy deployed by DG Justice, the main Roma-responsible body of the European Commission, over the last four years. A review of the speaker lists of the main Roma events organized by DG Justice in these years shows that less than 20% of speakers could be called Roma experts.

If you filter this percentage by the number of senior- and middle-level managers from the EC actually present while those experts spoke, and look at the real hands-on grassroots level expertise of these experts, the number drops to well under 5%.

Of course, this approach aims to ensure the perfect balance needed for developing measures good for Roma. It mirrors some of the best available experiences in the world… American policies for blacks until the 1960s and South African policies until the end of Apartheid.

Also dazzling is the overall approach of the EC when selecting the recipients of EU funding: mainly very expensive, hugely bureaucratic non-Roma organisations with very limited expertise working in communities.

So just who are these civil society organisations and networks which will be privileged to attend the Summit? According to speaker lists for previous DG Justice events, the EC has worked with just two organizations which have hands-on grassroots experience within Roma communities.

In fact, DG Justice spent at maximum four entire hours in the last four years consulting with the organisation which has the most grassroots experience. This illustrates well the meaning of the term extensive work.”

Clearly, similar extensive work is responsible for the last years of extraordinary results from EU funding in addressing social exclusion and anti-Gypsyism in Europe.

The Summit is the climax of this extensive work. With exquisite elegance and wit the Commission explains it:

“it is of course necessary to hear the voice of the Roma, but the number of Roma in the panels is not the only indicator of the quality of the debates…we are working so as to ensure web-streaming, which would allow all those interested to follow this event live.”

Indeed, the presence of Roma experts that work at the grassroots in the panels of the Roma Summit is irrelevant as long as the Roma voices are heard. Considering the past four years experience and the belief that there was extensive work with Roma at the level of DG Justice, most likely all of these voices are heard directly, continuously, distinctively and only in the heads of the decision makers within the DG Justice. The Roma website of the EC is, of course, very popular among decision-makers all around the world as a symbol of pragmatism and efficiency. Is also full of  Roma voices. Only cute cats on YouTube are more popular.

A culture of lip-service and self-sufficiency, in combination with DG Justice and Commissioner Reding’s catastrophic management of Roma issues, risks to transform the good will, some great and some good work done in the past by a handful of great  Commission employees into an embarrassing joke. Expectedly, some of the best have already left the EC, some were sidetracked, and some decided to quit the Roma field. It is a pity.

The absence of a normal representation of Roma experts on the panels of the EU Summit might indeed not be an indicator of the “quality of debates” but it is a very clear indicator of institutional racism. Considering that the Commission has invited the Romanian president – recently fined for racism against Roma – and that the most racist party in power in the EU (Fidesz) will also be well-represented, there is nothing to do but wonder how much more embarrassing the DG Justice approach on Roma issues can get.

The Summit will probably be opened by Viviane Reding. On January 16 this year she said for Euronews that Roma communities need “to be willing to integrate and to be willing to have a normal life”. Translation: we, Roma are abnormal.

PS. I asked the author of the quotes if her position reflects the official position of the EC. The Director General of DG Justice was copied in both her message and my question. There has been no reply to my question as of today. It will be a month this week…

Pseudo-logica si efectele ei

8 Mar

Avem nevoie de Elena Udrea- face audienta si aduce voturi. Intelectualii, profesionistii sau sfintii cu principii abia- abia aduc doua televiziuni la o conferinta de presa si alea prietene.

Conform aceleiasi logici  Bianca Dragusanu ar trebui sa fie presedinta Romaniei. Cum MM Stoica si Gigi Becali- cei care ar fi putut indeplini cu succes functia de premier-sunt in puscarie, solutia logica ramane Adrian Cristea.

Elena Udrea  este o prezenta toxica in politica romaneasca. Departe de a fi singura.

Gica Popescu este un simbol al Romaniei. Si-a platit datoria catre stat, ar trebui gratiat.

Faptul ca Gica Popescu a facut milioane lovind o basica de piele si ca o gramada de barbati au o nevoia patetica de a se identifica cu victoriile lui sunt ,din pacate, lucruri normale. Nevoia psihologica de a ne pastra intacte bucuriile de pustani rezultate din privitul unor tipi atletici care“invingeau” inamicii din creierele noastre este si ea de inteles.

Ce s-ar intampla daca Guta, singurul roman care a castigat titlul pentru cel mai bun album de muzica in Franta ar fi in aceasi ipostaza? Zdrobitoarea majoritate a romanilor (si eu) s-ar gandi ca sentinta ar trebui sa fie mult mai mare si o buna parte ar fi bucurosi daca ar putrezi in puscarie. Niciunui politician nu i-ar trece prin cap  sa ceara gratierea – din contra,ar cere o sentinta mai mare si confiscarea intregii averi.

Popescu a dovedit ca e lacom si infractor. Faptul ca a fost un fotbalist bun/senzational este irelevant.

In logica gratierii lui Popescu ar trebui sa acceptam cu entuziasm doctoratele plagiate ale tuturor celor care au dat cu piciorul sau mana in minge intr-o echipa de la liga a III-a in sus.

Asta a fost probabil logica premierului cand „cetateneste” s-a pronuntat pentru gratiere.

Coruptia, prostia, oportunismul sau toate la un loc pot justifica opinia cretinoida  a lui Antonescu si Zgonea – doi dintre cei mai importanti oameni in stat care cer deasemenea  gratierea lui Gica Popescu  .

Daciana Sarbu, Adina Valean si Elena Basescu nu au fost atat de slabe in Parlamentul European pe cat se spune, au facut si lucruri bune.

Platim  peste 500.000 de EUR pe an pentru fiecare dintre ele. Singura “calificare” care a determinat prezenta acestor doamne in Parlamentul European este ca sunt rudele celor mai puternici oameni din stat. Atat ele cat si domnii care le-au promovat dau dovada de nesimtire si ignora faptul ca nepotismul si promovarea pe pile sunt unele dintre principalele motive ale coruptiei rampante din Romania.

Sunt o multime de barbati care reprezinta Romania in Parlamentul European care sunt mult mai tampiti si mult mai imorali decat doamnele mentionate mai sus. Problema mare este ca aceste doamne, in mod indirect, intaresc idea bine inradacinata in Romania ca o femeie poate sa ajunga in pozitii de putere numai daca este ruda, amanta, sotia sau protejata unui barbat “puternic”. Puternic este adesea sinonim cu smecher, mafiot, corupt.

In mod sigur pentru un buget de 500.000 de EUR pe an pe persoana am putea sa-i trimitem la Bruxelles pe cei mai buni experti pe care ii are Romania in domeniile pentru care avem nevoie de reprezentare in Parlamentul European.  Aceasta abordare ar creste atat credibilitatea partidelor, cat si eficienta reprezentarii Romaniei in Bruxelles. A ne multumi cu faptul ca parlamentarii pe care ii trimite Romania nu sunt chiar atat de prosti pe cat ne-am asteptat sau ca sunt altii si mai prosti, e pur si simplu stupid.

Toate fragmentele din text scrise cu caractere italice sunt citate din ceea ce am auzit sau am citit.Spuse sau scrise de oameni pe care ii respect. Acceptarea de catre ei a faptului ca suntem o societate corupta condusa de sociopati, mafioti, cretini si rudele acestora este un lucru deosebit de ingrijorator.  Este insa foarte posibil ca eu sa vad lucrurile stramb…



4 Mar

Domnu Valeiiu, daca nu raman repetent pot sa vin sa stau la dumneavoastra  ?



Aud intrebarea asta in forme similare de la copii diferiti cel putin o data pe luna. Si le dau acelasi raspuns, care stiu ca este singurul bun.


Silviu, o sa stam si o sa invatam impreuna si sigur o sa reusim sa inveti literele si o sa poti sa citesti. O sa ne jucam, o sa gatim si o sa mergem din cand in cand la film sau la strand. Nu se poate sa te iau la mine permanent, pentru ca ar trebui sa va iau pe toti  si nu pot.


Ma simt de cacat spunand asta.Nu am un raspuns mai bun.


Silviu nu stie decat 9 litere bine. Are 10 ani.  Cu 14 cm sub inaltimea fiului meu ( care a fost intodeauna scund) la aceeasi varsta.  Pentru scoala memoreaza textul citit de altcineva si apoi il repeta pretinzand ca citeste. Nu face deosebirea intre r si l.


Silviu o sa fie bine. O sa invete literele si o sa poata sa inteleaga filmele subtitrate fara sa il ajut. A functionat cu alti pusti ca el.


Nu stiu daca o sa reuseasca sa iasa din statistica ingrozitoare a copiilor care sunt institutionalizati. Nu stiu daca ceea ce fac are sau nu un impact benefic pe termen lung.


In mod sigur are un impact pozitiv acum. Nu e sistemic. Nu e sustenabil. Nu are analiza SWOT. Multe lucruri sunt facute dupa ureche.


E obositor.  Nu e placut sa speli pisatul de pe colacul de la WC sau de pe langa. Ciorapii noi nu sunt niciodata indeajuns si cei pe care ii poarta miros ametitor si de fiecare data sunt o surpriza. Ionut a venit ultima data la antrenament fara ciorapi in cizmele pe care i le-am dat acum 2 luni si care sunt si singura lui incaltaminte. Picioarele erau mult prea jegoase si a trebuit sa il ajutam sa se spele inainte de a-i da ciorapi si adidasi.


Parintii lui sunt niste cretini- Ionut ar avea o viata mai buna la adapost.


Pentru cateva ore pe saptamana fac niste pusti sa se simta mai bine. Cateodata fericiti. Ma fac pe mine sa ma simt mai util. Un pic mai bun. Taie din frica mea de a deveni ceea ce risc sa devin – un (b)labagiu de director de ONG care zice bine in intalniri si il doare in cur de a face el insusi ceva practic pentru a schimba lucrurile in bine.


Week-end-ul asta repet M, N , P si R cu Silviu. Adunari pana la 20.  Sper sa il conving sa stea pe WC.  Sper sa nu mai planga in somn sau sa faca pe el asa cum o face si Alex.


Am mai facut asta. A functionat. O sa functioneze si cu Silviu. Nu este indeajuns – stiu. Dar daca macar unul dintre cei care citesc textul asta indrazneste sa incerce acelasi lucru, e un castig. Si poate el sau ea descopera un fel in care sa facem chestia asta sistemica si sustenabila fara blablageala.

Despre Romania (b)labagiilor in postul urmator